No Cookies for Me is an awesome blog, I really admire him:
"See, I think that some of the problems that men face now- some of the things people complain about and see as examples of female privilege over males- are a direct result of the flaws a patriarchical system. It's not that women have more power than men, it's that patriarchy is an inherently flawed system that sets standards that are harmful to everyone. It's a double edged sword. And as attitudes have changed and feminists have helped to break down some of the systems that have held women back and prevented them from reaching their full potential, some men are finding that, shock of shocks, there are some serious problems with the way things are."
"Look around at feminist blogs, and look at how often men will come onto them and feign some kind of interest in feminism, but with a whole list of caveats and exceptions. The sense of entitlement is often so thick you can taste it."
What male feminist blogs do you think are the best?
It's happening? Men are helping and analysing and scrutinizing? - helping clear out the old stables? Reading that quote, it took so much pressure off, I had to go and have a sit down.
Reply:I enjoy reading this male feminist blog:
Reply:i thought baba yaga was a feminist and equalist. since when is it fair to call men "*******" ? you sound like a bitter old lady to me. your answers have become increasingly more rude. whats the deal? i hoping that a troll has taken on your persona, that answer doesn't seem like you?
and i have not looked at any feminists blog before, but the one you linked does look pretty interesting.
and gnu? i shave.
EDIT: like i said, i thought it was a troll. i doubted you actually said those things. sorry.
Reply:That's the only one I've seen (since two minutes ago), and it looks pretty damn good.
EDIT TO ASHLEY H: This Baba Yaga is most definitely a clone. You can tell by looking at her date of registration and her points.
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