Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do people actually read blogs on blogger.com?

I've just started a blog and wondered if people actually go on there to read random blogs.

Do people actually read blogs on blogger.com?
I read stuff at blogger when it is related to a special interest I am researching or keeping tabs on. For example, I will often read an insider's blog on a theme park or a band I might be going to see live. You just have to carve out your niche, keep it up to date, and create a value. Eventually people will come around if your topic interests them. (Personal stuff, about your day or whatnot, people will not usually read - I'm sorry to say)
Reply:What you need to worry about is not "if they visit and read" the blogs, but instead you need to worry about "who and from where" they are visiting from. If you have a very good blog with lots of backlinks, you will get visitors without you directly giving them a link live.

There are many different ways to promote your site and to get a good SEO. Some services like MyBlogLog promote your site for the world to see.

For more information about site/blog promotion or other SEO tips, visit...
Reply:i think so

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