Sunday, July 11, 2010

Regarding online editorial blogs & opinions, why do liberal ones seem more long winded than conservative ones?

Personally,when I do read online editorial blogs %26amp; opinions,I like the conservative ones better,because they seem to be more straightforward %26amp; to the point,as opposed to liberal ones,which seem to be,in my opinion,wordier %26amp; more long winded %26amp; not straightforward %26amp; to the point. In other words,pointless!Why is that?

Regarding online editorial blogs %26amp; opinions, why do liberal ones seem more long winded than conservative ones?
At first I thought I'd make this response really long but I wasn't sure if you'd get the sarcasm.

Conservative opinions are based on pretty simple concepts that superficially make sense. They don't want to explore issues too deeply because they do become more complicated and require further thought.

Liberals tend to over-think issues and concentrate on exceptions. A liberal will view the issue from more then one point of view and its impact on society. A conservative only considers how an issue impacts them.
Reply:Because liberals tend to be more liberal in their use of words while conservatives tend to be simple minded.
Reply:some people take time to explain.
Reply:Well from now on we'll just put up pretty little pictures so you won't have to be bothered with actually reading and thinking about the subject.

Liberals try to explain things more thoroughly and look at all aspects of the issue.

Conservatives just regurgitate the same old rhetoric that they hear from their leaders and then tell everyone else they are wrong without explaining anything.

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