Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to submit blogs to search engines?

i have an account in blogger...

published blogs...but i dunno y i cant find it anywhere else xcept blogger...

how do i submit my blog to other search engines...including google??

How to submit blogs to search engines?
You can have these sites "ping" your blog.

Then your blog posts will show up in real time.
Reply:Can you not just submit it to the search engines like any other site? I don't see why you would be able to. Follow the link below to submit it to a few different search engines.
Reply:Then your blog posts will show up in real time.
Reply:well to submit ur blogs u gotta activate it i guess ;)
Reply:I do not really know I had this same problem when I started blogging.

You see yahoo has a go directly to option while many others does not does not.It does not really matter any way once learn how to use your address bar.

The search engines do not always pick you site or blog for one.

You can submit it though.Look for submit a site or suggest a site.

You could just do a search for suggest a site or submit a site to whatever search engine you are trying to submit to for the page to do that.

Other than that you can look for these sites that do it for you.

I have heard used one of these just do a search for them.

See many times you see these huge link pages on sites that is so they will be seen by the search engines as popular and quality.The search engine is to bring you back the best link so when they do a search they look for linked to pages and people who pay them etc.While when using google I have gotten back a tyoe o and could not find the site when looking for the whole address http:// included.So I seem to think that if there is nuthing else that fits they might bring it back.

Also you might might want to look in to submiting to blog search engines.

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