Sunday, July 11, 2010

How do I block parents from seeing our blogs?

My boyfriend and I have personal blogs but we don't wish to let our parents find them as they contain very personal stuff. However, we wish to leave them open to other visitors (even those we don't personally know). We can't block the ip address as the entire household shares the same ip address so if ip address is being blocked neither of US can access our own blogs too!

So what can I do to block ONLY our parents from the blogs?

How do I block parents from seeing our blogs?
Such is the internet. Once the genie is out of the bottle....
Reply:as in like yahoo 360,

Can be seen by:

you could only limit viewing to friends of friends of friends,

so extended users of blog only,

may be other options in other blog's

Reply:You could block the IP of the house and just unblock when you need to get to the site. The problem is, if the site is a common site (like livejournal or blogspot) and they use it too, they won't be able to get into their site either.

Plus you can't prevent them from getting to the site from work since you don't own the blog site (presumably).

Basically, don't post personal stuff on the internet :)
Reply:You can't.

How about you don't put any personal stuff online. Or don't put anything you wouldn't want your parents to see. See your bf in person and TELL him about it, not write it in the blow. Interpersonal communication is a key in a healthy relationship.
Reply:You don't want your parents to see, but you don't mind the rest of the world being in your business???????

Sorry, but it can't be done.

All you can do is put up a password, and let the people you want to let in know what the password is.
Reply:Stop having pre-marital sex and hiding stuff from your parents until you are 18 and or move out on your own...otherwise, deal with it.
Reply:You can't. That is the nature of the internet.

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