Sunday, July 11, 2010

Copyright law and blogs?

I get all these newsletters from other organizations, a lot of this stuff is trash but some of it is really useful. I wouldn't post it on my site but I would like to post it on some blogs... Can I do that without consequence? The articles and info are usually tagged with a copyright notice. But If I'm only posting it to a blog is it illegal?

What if I credit the source?

Copyright law and blogs?
I've found its most helpful to do as I please - not necessarily as requested because most people just say no if you ask for permission so it may be better to beg for forgiveness later - I mean hey it worked for Bill Clinton
Reply:Well being as a copyright is refering to claming the information as your own! So as long as you post it with the person who wrote it your fine! Just dont claim it as your own!
Reply:This is why people get in trouble; never assume that just by giving credit you are on the safe side, some companies require a formal request before allowing anyone to use all or part of their copyrighted material, even if you don't make money out of this.

Yes there are situations that let you use legally fragments of copyrighted material, it's called "Fair Use" (like a quote at a magazine or some photocopies at a school class), but what you describe is not "fair use" it's just republishing copyrighted material.

Copyright is more complex than you think so ASK them to give you written authorization, most of them will be pleased to help you but if someone says "No" then move on. Save yourself from years at a court room.
Reply:the safest way to use other peoples work in your blog is to just offer a link to a webpage that THEY have put up. many times what is distributed in newsletters is also posted somewhere on the originating site. find that and put the URL on your blog.
Reply:I think as long as you make sure your blogs have the link to the web page your putting on. Like if you got someones picture make sure that you don't take the credit for it.

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