If yes, do you do so anonymously or do you leave comments?
If you don't read blogs, why?
Do you read people's blogs/journals?
I read, keep up with a gand whopping total of ONE web log. I do leave comments there when I can (Blogspot has a habit of being glitchy that way).
But as for the rest....no. I just have no deep, burning interest in most of what's out there. The only reason I keep up with the *one* that I do is because a) she's a good friend, and b) it's about a fairly rare and obscure interest online. As in, it's my way to keep up-to-date with my community of others online who also share this rare, obscure interest with me.
And the rest. Nope. I tried doing a web log thing myself and just didn't care for it. The motivation to keep it going, in the total absence of feedback (because I couldn't get the HTML or linkages to comments figured out) just wasn't there.
It was like the sound of one hand clapping for me, so I gave it up fairly quickly. And now....Yahoo with it's 360 Weblog/Profiles are really starting to annoy me over this. I *suck* at blogging, all right? I *do not* want to turn my Yahoo Profile (the main one, not the one here on Answers) into a damned weblog. So why should I *have to* do this for the almightly privilege of *seeing the profiles* of my Friends online?
It sucks is what it does. ^_^ But I digressed, sorry, didn't mean to rant there.
Point is...my interest in blogging, with the one, single exception, is nearly non-existent. As in, I could really *care less* about Yahoo 360 *or* 99.9999% of the web logs out there. It's just a lot of work and really no feedback unless you absolutely know what you are doing. And I'm a feedback junkie. ^_^
Hope this helps...thanks for your time! ^_^
Reply:Thanks for the Best Answer, much appreciated! ^_^ I know I seem to write an awful lot for Answers here, but a lot of it is the feedback thing. I don't do so well unless I know others are going to see what I type and respond to it, you know? ^_^ Report It
Reply:I go to Google blogs and type in a topic I'm interested about and read what people have to say. I only lurk, I never usually comment.
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